Ebenezer Fletcher

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My Story

I was born in Asuansi, Ghana to an out-of-work bus conductor and an unemployed mother of 6 children. With a brood of 6, my family had a lot of priorities. So when I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at the age of 14 the family came to a complete standstill, was impossible to afford medical care for me. My mother reached out to relatives and friends to support my medical expenses. Still, I struggle with all the costs. Glucometers strips and other essential supplies are a luxury for me. Everyday the choice of food or medical care is presented so as I take each day as it comes, I am aware of the tremendous sacrifice that my parents make and the man competing priorities that force me/them to make difficult choices. I believe that access to life-saving supplies should be easy and affordable for everyone.

My Advocacy

I signed on to Pamojan Advocacy Program so I can fight to ensure that affordable, accessible insulin and supplies becomes a reality for everyone. Even in our struggles, we can find strength and use it to change the world.

My team advocacy goal for 2018 was to educate the community about type 1 diabetes and reduce misunderstandings about it in schools. To do that, my team wanted to deliver 6 presentations in schools about type 1 diabetes in Cape Coast and Accra regions. Despite challenges, our team has been able to hold a variety of events and presentations. We have educated thousands of young people to help them understand type 1 diabetes, why insulin is essential, and why having diabetes does not mean that a person is any less valuable than anyone else. 

We end all of our presentations with a chant of ‘‘Pamoja! Together we can!’’